Sweet & Spicy Strawberry Chutney

Strawberries are in abundance in June and we must take advantage of it's delicious juiciness. Of course we're going to turn to our desserts and ice creams but there's plenty left over for a batch of easy to make Strawberry chutney. Spread a little bit on a cracker with some cheese and you have a delightful treat.

12 oz Strawberries, hulled and sliced
2 tbsps grated ginger
Juice of 1/2 lime
1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp each cumin and mustard seeds
1 tsp each red chilli and chat masala powders
1 tbsp oil

Marinate the Strawberries in the ginger, lime juice and sugar for half an hour.
Heat some oil in a non stick sauté pan.
Saute the cumin and mustard seeds
Add the powdered spices
Follow with the Strawberry mixture.
Cook on high for a few minutes, squishing the strawberries down with the back of your spoon.
Cover and cook for about 5 minutes
Uncover and stir frequently making sure to scrape the caramelized sugar before it burns.
Store in the refrigerator for up to a week

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